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English translation of seppellire


In Italian, the verb 'seppellire' is used to describe the act of burying something or someone. It is a transitive verb, meaning it requires a direct object. For example, 'Seppellisco la chiave sotto l'albero' means 'I bury the key under the tree.' It is important to note that in Italian, the past participle of 'seppellire' is irregular and changes based on the gender and number of the direct object. For example, 'Ho seppellito la chiave' (I buried the key) becomes 'Hanno seppellito le chiavi' (They buried the keys).

Example sentences using: seppellire

Dovremmo seppellire i tesori per mantenerli al sicuro.

English translation of Dovremmo seppellire i tesori per mantenerli al sicuro.

We should bury the treasures to keep them safe.

In this sentence, 'seppellire' is used in its basic sense, 'to bury.' It describes an action of hiding something (in this case, 'tesori' or treasures) in the ground for safekeeping. This sentence shows that 'seppellire' can be used in the context of hiding or safeguarding valuables.

La barca ha cercato di seppellire il tesoro nell'oceano.

English translation of La barca ha cercato di seppellire il tesoro nell'oceano.

The boat attempted to bury the treasure in the ocean.

This sentence uses 'seppellire' to express a failed attempt (the boat 'attempted') to hide something beneath the water of the ocean, reiterating the idea that 'seppellire' signifies the act of concealing or burying something. Here, the object being buried is a 'tesoro' (treasure).

In caso di neve pesante, può seppellire le strade.

English translation of In caso di neve pesante, può seppellire le strade.

In case of heavy snow, it can bury the roads.

This is an example of an abstract use of 'seppellire.' In this sentence, 'seppellire' is used to refer to the covering or burying of the roads due to heavy snowfall. It illustrates that 'seppellire' is not only used in the context of burying something below ground, but can be used to describe any form of covering or concealing visibility/model.

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