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English translation of sentire


The Italian word 'sentire' is used to express the concept of feeling in a variety of contexts. It can refer to physical sensations, emotions, or perceptions. For instance, 'Mi sento stanco' means 'I feel tired'. It can also be used in a more abstract sense, such as 'sentire la mancanza di qualcuno', which means 'to miss someone'.

Example sentences using: sentire

Non riesco a sentire la musica.

English translation of Non riesco a sentire la musica.

I cannot hear the music.

In this sentence, 'sentire' is used in the context of physical hearing. The subject 'I' is unable to hear the music, implying there may be an issue with either the volume of the music or the subject's hearing.

Mi piace sentire il vento sulla mia pelle.

English translation of Mi piace sentire il vento sulla mia pelle.

I like to feel the wind on my skin.

In this case, 'sentire' is used to express feeling in a sense of touch rather than hearing. The subject enjoys the sensation of wind on their skin.

Devo sentire il tuo parere su questo.

English translation of Devo sentire il tuo parere su questo.

I need to hear your opinion on this.

Here, 'sentire' is used in the context of understanding someone's opinion or thoughts. It implies the speaker is seeking another person's perspective or advice on a particular matter.

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