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English translation of selezione


The Italian word 'selezione' is used in a similar way to the English word 'selection'. It refers to the act of choosing or picking something from a group of options. It can be used in various contexts, such as selecting a team, choosing a product, or picking a song. For example, 'La selezione della squadra è stata difficile' means 'The selection of the team was difficult'.

Example sentences using: selezione

La selezione del vino è impressionante.

English translation of La selezione del vino è impressionante.

The wine selection is impressive.

This sentence is used when the variety or option of wines is considered extensive and exceptional, indicating a sense of admiration towards the selection.

Ho bisogno di fare una selezione dei candidati.

English translation of Ho bisogno di fare una selezione dei candidati.

I need to make a selection of candidates.

This sentence is frequently used in a recruitment context, indicating the need to choose from a group of candidates based on certain criteria or standards.

Questa è la mia selezione preferita di libri.

English translation of Questa è la mia selezione preferita di libri.

This is my favorite selection of books.

This sentence is commonly used when someone wants to show or present a group of books that they cherish or appreciate the most, specifying that this group is their personal choice or preference.

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