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English translation of secolo


The Italian word 'secolo' is used to describe a period of 100 years. It is often used in historical contexts to denote a particular century, such as 'il ventesimo secolo' for the twentieth century. It can also be used to express a long period of time, for example, 'un secolo fa' means 'a century ago'.

Example sentences using: secolo

Quel castello è stato costruito nel XV secolo.

English translation of Quel castello è stato costruito nel XV secolo.

That castle was built in the 15th century.

This sentence is using 'secolo' to refer to a specific century, the 15th, in which an event occurred, specifically, when a castle was built.

English translation of Lo stile Gotico era popolare durante il XIV secolo.

The Gothic style was popular during the 14th century.

In this case, 'secolo' is used to define a specific time period, the 14th century, during which the Gothic style was popular.

Il secolo scorso è stato segnato da numerosi cambiamenti.

English translation of Il secolo scorso è stato segnato da numerosi cambiamenti.

The last century was marked by numerous changes.

Here 'secolo' is referring to the last century in a more general context, talking about changes that happened during that time period.

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