← Italian Vocab Builder

se stessa

English translation of se stessa


In Italian, the reflexive pronoun 'se stessa' is used to refer back to the subject of the sentence, much like 'herself' in English. It is used when the subject is a female, and it is often used in sentences where the subject is performing an action on itself. For example, 'She sees herself in the mirror.' (Lei si vede allo specchio.)

Example sentences using: se stessa

Lei sta parlando di se stessa.

English translation of Lei sta parlando di se stessa.

She is talking about herself.

This is a sentence in the present tense, showing the usage of 'se stessa' in the context of a woman or girl speaking about herself.

Se stessa è la sua peggiore nemica.

English translation of Se stessa è la sua peggiore nemica.

She is her own worst enemy.

In this sentence, 'se stessa' is used to express the idea of acting against one's own interests. The sentence is in the present tense.

Se stessa non lo sa ancora.

English translation of Se stessa non lo sa ancora.

She herself does not know it yet.

This sentence illustrates the use of 'se stessa' to emphasize the subject of the sentence. The sentence is in the present tense and depicts a situation where the woman or girl does not know something.

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