The Italian word 'scuotere' is used in the same way as the English word 'shake'. It can refer to physically shaking something, like shaking a tree to get the fruit off, or shaking someone's hand. It can also be used figuratively, like when you're nervous and you say your hands are shaking. In Italian, you would say 'Le mie mani tremano'.
Please, don't shake the table.
This sentence is used when someone is accidentally or intentionally causing the table to move, typically leading to an annoyance or inconvenience. The speaker requests the other person to stop shaking the table.
You should shake the dress to remove the dust.
This statement implies that by shaking the dress, dust or any loose particles can fall away from the dress, thus cleaning it up. It's a strategy used typically for clothes that are dusty.
The news shook the community.
This statement means that the people in the community were significantly affected or disturbed by the news. It's a metaphorical use of 'scuotere', suggesting a strong emotional reaction.