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scrivere una nota

English translation of scrivere una nota

write a note

The phrase 'scrivere una nota' in Italian refers to the action of composing a short written message. It is commonly used in various contexts, such as taking notes in class, leaving a reminder for someone, or jotting down important information. In Italian, the verb 'scrivere' means 'to write', and 'una nota' means 'a note'. This expression emphasizes the act of writing something down for future reference or communication.

Example sentences using: scrivere una nota

Devo scrivere una nota per il mio professore.

English translation of Devo scrivere una nota per il mio professore.

I need to write a note for my teacher.

In this example, the speaker is expressing the necessity to create a note directed towards their teacher, indicating the action of writing.

Scrivere una nota aiuta a ricordare le cose importanti.

English translation of Scrivere una nota aiuta a ricordare le cose importanti.

Writing a note helps to remember important things.

Here, the phrase highlights the usefulness of writing notes as a method to retain important information.

Ogni mattina, mi ricordo di scrivere una nota per la lista della spesa.

English translation of Ogni mattina, mi ricordo di scrivere una nota per la lista della spesa.

Every morning, I remember to write a note for the shopping list.

This sentence illustrates a daily routine where the speaker makes it a point to jot down a reminder related to their shopping.

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