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English translation of scena


The Italian word 'scena' is equivalent to the English word 'scene'. It can be used in many contexts such as in a movie (scene of a film), at a crime scene (scena del crimine), or even when referring to a dramatic situation (fare una scena).

Example sentences using: scena

La scena del teatro era magnifica.

English translation of La scena del teatro era magnifica.

The theater scene was magnificent.

This example refers to a physical stage ('scena') in a theater, highlighting its grandeur. In Italian, 'scena' is often used to articulate a visually delighting experience.

Non mi piaceva quel film, la scena finale era troppo triste.

English translation of Non mi piaceva quel film, la scena finale era troppo triste.

I didn't like that movie, the final scene was too sad.

In this example, 'scena' refers to a part or segment of a movie, specifically the last part. This illustrates the use of 'scena' in the context of cinema.

La scena del crimine era piena di poliziotti.

English translation of La scena del crimine era piena di poliziotti.

The crime scene was full of police officers.

In this context, 'scena' refers to the place ('scena del crimine') where a crime took place. This sentence expresses how 'scena' can refer to a specific location related to an incident.

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