The Italian word 'salvare' is used in the same way as the English word 'save'. It can be used to indicate preserving or protecting something, such as 'salvare la vita' (save a life). It can also be used in a digital context, such as 'salvare un file' (save a file).
I need to save my money for the trip.
In this sentence, 'salvare' is being used in the context of saving or reserving resources for future use. The subject 'I' intends to keep aside a part of their money to fund an upcoming trip.
The firefighter tried to save the house from the fire.
In this context, 'salvare' describes the action of saving or protecting someone or something from harm or destruction. Here, the firefighter is attempting to prevent the house from being destroyed by fire.
The doctor did everything possible to save the patient.
In this example, 'salvare' is used in the context of saving a life. The verb 'salvare' exemplifies the doctor's efforts to prevent the patient from dying.