to jump
The Italian verb 'saltare' is used to express the action of jumping, same as in English. It can be used in a variety of contexts, for example when physically jumping ('Il bambino ama saltare') or metaphorically leaping over an obstacle/problem ('Ho dovuto saltare molti ostacoli nella mia vita'). The verb modifies to match the subject, be it singular, plural, masculine, or feminine.
I wanted to skip the queue, but I decided to wait like everyone else.
In this sentence, 'saltare' is used as 'to skip'. The speaker considered skipping the queue, but ultimately didn't.
I could skip lunch and go straight to dinner.
Here, 'saltare' is used to mean 'to skip' in the sense of not doing something at the usual or expected time. The speaker considered skipping their usual lunchtime meal and going directly to dinner instead.
I like to jump rope in my spare time.
In this sentence, 'saltare' is used in its literal sense, 'to jump'. The speaker enjoys jumping rope when they have free time.