In Italian, the word 'ruota' is used to refer to a wheel. It is a noun and can be used in a variety of contexts, such as in transportation, machinery, or even in everyday objects like a wheelbarrow. The plural form of 'ruota' is 'ruote'. It's important to note that the pronunciation of 'ruota' is slightly different from its English counterpart, with the stress on the first syllable.
The bicycle's wheel is punctured.
In this sentence, 'ruota' is used in a common way to denote the wheel of a vehicle, in this case, a bicycle. It's a typical use for 'ruota', usually referred to in contexts involving transportation or vehicles.
The Wheel of Fortune continues to spin.
This sentence refers to the 'wheel of fortune', a common metaphor in many cultures for the capricious nature of fate. 'Ruota' here is used in a metaphoric sense, illustrating its use beyond physical objects.
The mouse runs in the wheel.
In this example, 'ruota' once again stands for 'wheel', but this time in the context of a hamster wheel - the kind of wheel that small pets use for exercise. This highlights another usage of 'ruota', related to pet paraphernalia.