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English translation of rompere


The Italian word 'rompere' is equivalent to the English word 'break'. It can be used in various contexts including breaking an object, breaking a rule or breaking a record. However, be careful when using this verb as it is irregular, so its conjugation form changes in different tenses. For example, 'I break' is 'io rompo' and 'you broke' is 'tu hai rotto'.

Example sentences using: rompere

Non rompere il vaso!

English translation of Non rompere il vaso!

Don't break the vase!

This sentence is an imperative statement telling someone not to break the vase. The word 'rompere' is being used in its literal sense to mean 'break.'

Se continui a spingere, potresti rompere qualcosa.

English translation of Se continui a spingere, potresti rompere qualcosa.

If you keep pushing, you might break something.

This sentence is warning someone that their actions might lead to something being broken. Again, 'rompere' is used in its literal sense here to mean 'break.'

Gli piace rompere le regole.

English translation of Gli piace rompere le regole.

He likes to break the rules.

This sentence is describing someone's behavior of breaking rules on purpose. In this case, 'rompere' is being used in a metaphorical sense, meaning to 'violate' rather than physically 'break.'

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