The Italian word 'rivendicazione' is used to express the act of claiming or asserting a right, a property, or a fact. It is often used in legal contexts, similar to the English word 'claim'. For example, one might say 'rivendicare un diritto' to claim a right, or 'rivendicare una proprietà' to claim a property.
My claim is that human rights are universal.
This sentence is stating a belief or point of view, stating that human rights are universal, using 'rivendicazione' to denote the claim.
The claim to this land by those people dates back hundreds of years.
This sentence is expressing a historical claim to a piece of land. In this context, 'rivendicazione' is used to express the act of asserting a right to something.
His claim of innocence turned out to be false.
Here, 'rivendicazione' is used to denote some assertion, in this case, an assertion of innocence which eventually turned out to be false.