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English translation of risoluzioni


The Italian word 'risoluzioni' is the plural form of 'risoluzione', which translates to 'resolution' in English. It is used to refer to decisions or agreements reached after a discussion or a vote. It can also refer to the act of resolving or solving a problem or issue. In a broader context, it can refer to the clarity or detail of an image or a display.

Example sentences using: risoluzioni

Nel nuovo anno, voglio fare delle risoluzioni per migliorare la mia vita.

English translation of Nel nuovo anno, voglio fare delle risoluzioni per migliorare la mia vita.

In the new year, I want to make resolutions to improve my life.

This phrase indicates a common practice of setting new goals or resolutions at the beginning of the year.

Le risoluzioni che ho preso mi aiutano a rimanere motivato.

English translation of Le risoluzioni che ho preso mi aiutano a rimanere motivato.

The resolutions I made help me stay motivated.

Here, the speaker emphasizes the positive impact that their resolutions have on their motivation.

Stabilire risoluzioni è importante per la crescita personale.

English translation of Stabilire risoluzioni è importante per la crescita personale.

Setting resolutions is important for personal growth.

This statement highlights the significance of making resolutions as a means to foster self-improvement.

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