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English translation of riscontro


In Italian, 'riscontro' is used in a similar context as 'feedback' in English. It is used when referring to opinions, comments, or information about an action in reaction to it, in professional and personal settings.

Example sentences using: riscontro

Sto cercando un riscontro positivo da parte tua.

English translation of Sto cercando un riscontro positivo da parte tua.

I am looking for a positive feedback from you.

In this sentence, the word 'riscontro' is used to refer to feedback or response, anticipation of a positive reaction from the other party.

Non ho avuto alcun riscontro sulla mia proposta.

English translation of Non ho avuto alcun riscontro sulla mia proposta.

I didn't get any feedback on my proposal.

Here 'riscontro' is used to indicate an answer or a reply. The speaker is stating that they didn't get any responses about the proposal they made.

Il riscontro del pubblico è stato molto positivo.

English translation of Il riscontro del pubblico è stato molto positivo.

The audience's feedback was very positive.


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