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English translation of riposo


The Italian word 'riposo' translates to 'rest' in English. It is used to express a period of relaxation or inactivity, often after a period of work or activity. It can also refer to a place of rest, such as a resting spot or a resting place. In some contexts, it can refer to a state of calm or tranquility.

Example sentences using: riposo

Ho bisogno di un po' di riposo.

English translation of Ho bisogno di un po' di riposo.

I need a bit of rest.

This sentence is used when someone is tired and needs to take a break to restore their energy.

Dopo il lungo viaggio, cerchiamo un luogo di riposo.

English translation of Dopo il lungo viaggio, cerchiamo un luogo di riposo.

After the long journey, we are looking for a place to rest.

This sentence expresses the need for relaxation or recovery after a tiresome experience, here exemplified by a long journey.

Il riposo è essenziale per la salute.

English translation of Il riposo è essenziale per la salute.

Rest is essential for health.

This sentence emphasizes the importance of taking adequate rest in order to maintain good health.

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