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English translation of ridere


The Italian word 'ridere' is the infinitive form of the verb 'to laugh'. It is used to express the action of laughing, whether it's a hearty laugh, a chuckle, or a giggle. The word can be conjugated to fit different subjects and tenses. For example, 'io rido' means 'I laugh', 'tu ridi' means 'you laugh', and 'lui/lei ride' means 'he/she laughs'. The past tense is 'ho riso', meaning 'I laughed', and the future tense is 'io riderò', meaning 'I will laugh'.

Example sentences using: ridere

Non posso aiutare a ridere.

English translation of Non posso aiutare a ridere.

I cannot help but laugh.

This sentence is often used to express the uncontrollable urge to laugh, even when it might not be socially acceptable or when it might not seem like the sensible thing to do. The inability to restrain oneself from laughing is communicated through 'Non posso aiutare a ridere'.

Lui ama ridere delle sue barzellette.

English translation of Lui ama ridere delle sue barzellette.

He loves to laugh at his own jokes.

This sentence is used when someone not only enjoys telling jokes, but also finds them amusing to the point of laughing at them himself. The phrase 'Lui ama ridere delle sue barzellette' precisely conveys this sentiment.

Ridere è la migliore medicina.

English translation of Ridere è la migliore medicina.

Laughter is the best medicine.

This is a proverbial phrase used to relay the idea that a positive disposition can improve one's overall health, or that a good laugh can momentarily make us forget about our problems or sorrows. 'Ridere è la migliore medicina' succinctly delivers this popular belief.

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