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English translation of record


The Italian word for record is 'record'. It is used in the same context as in English, primarily in sports or in music, to indicate either a historical achievement (e.g., 'He holds a world record') or an audio or video recording (e.g., 'I bought a new record').

Example sentences using: record

Il cantante ha stabilito un nuovo record.

English translation of Il cantante ha stabilito un nuovo record.

The singer set a new record.

In this context, 'record' is associated with surpassing a previous level in a particular achievement. It could be used in various contexts, like sports, music, business and others, where measurable achievements are set and surpassed.

Ho dimenticato il mio record di punti.

English translation of Ho dimenticato il mio record di punti.

I forgot my points record.

Here, 'record' refers to the highest amount of points someone has achieved in a game or competition. This could be used in any context where points are scored, like sports or games.

Il mio record è di cinque minuti.

English translation of Il mio record è di cinque minuti.

My record is five minutes.

In this phrase, 'record' represents the best personal time achieved by someone in a time-based endeavor. This is applicable in activities such as running, swimming, or any task that involves beating a personal or competitive time.

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