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English translation of realtà


The Italian word 'realtà' is used in the same way as 'reality' in English. It refers to the state of things as they actually exist, as opposed to an idealistic or notional idea of them. For example, 'La realtà è spesso diversa dalle aspettative' means 'Reality is often different from expectations'.

Example sentences using: realtà

La realtà può essere difficile da accettare.

English translation of La realtà può essere difficile da accettare.

Reality can be hard to accept.

This sentence highlights the fact that truth or facts (realtà) can sometimes be challenging to accept or acknowledge.

Viviamo in una realtà virtuale.

English translation of Viviamo in una realtà virtuale.

We live in a virtual reality.

Here the word 'realtà' is used to describe a version or type of reality, in this case a 'virtual' one, meaning a reality created or simulated by a computer or a digital environment.

La realtà suprema è l'amore.

English translation of La realtà suprema è l'amore.

The ultimate reality is love.

This is a poetic or philosophical way to use the word 'realtà'. It suggests that the most profound or important truth in life is love.

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