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English translation of rappresentare


The Italian word 'rappresentare' is used to convey the idea of representing or standing for something or someone. It can be used in various contexts, such as in art, where an artist might 'rappresentare' a scene or an object, or in politics, where a person might 'rappresentare' a group or a cause. It's important to note that 'rappresentare' is a transitive verb, meaning it requires a direct object to complete its meaning.

Example sentences using: rappresentare

Questa pittura può rappresentare molte cose diverse.

English translation of Questa pittura può rappresentare molte cose diverse.

This painting can represent many different things.

In this sentence, 'rappresentare' denotes the idea of one thing standing for, symbolizing or showing something else, in this case a painting representing or depicting various objects or concepts.

Gli schemi a blocchi sono utilizzati per rappresentare processi complessi.

English translation of Gli schemi a blocchi sono utilizzati per rappresentare processi complessi.

Block diagrams are used to represent complex processes.

Here, 'rappresentare' signifies the use of one thing as a means to demonstrate or illustrate another, often more complex, idea or process - in this instance, the utilization of block diagrams to represent intricate processes.

In teatro, un attore può rappresentare il ruolo di un personaggio.

English translation of In teatro, un attore può rappresentare il ruolo di un personaggio.

In theater, an actor can represent the role of a character.

In this context, 'rappresentare' refers to the act of playing, performing, or embodying a role or character, in this case an actor performing a character in a theater production.

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