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English translation of quello


The Italian word 'quello' is used as a demonstrative pronoun and determiner like 'that' in English. It can refer to something that is not near the speaker, or to a previously mentioned situation. 'Quello' can also be used to introduce someone or something.

Example sentences using: quello

Quello è il mio libro preferito.

English translation of Quello è il mio libro preferito.

That is my favourite book.

In this sentence, 'quello' is used to indicate a specific item among different options, in this case, the speaker's favourite among many books.

Non posso credere a quello che ho visto.

English translation of Non posso credere a quello che ho visto.

I can't believe what I saw.

Here, 'quello' is used to refer to an event or situation, in this instance, what the speaker saw, which is hard to believe.

Il mio cane è più vecchio di quello di mio fratello.

English translation of Il mio cane è più vecchio di quello di mio fratello.

My dog is older than my brother's.

In this example, 'quello' is used to avoid repeating a noun (the dog) that has previously been mentioned in the sentence.

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