The word 'può' is the Italian equivalent of the English word 'can'. It is used to express ability, possibility, or permission. For example, 'Può andare a casa' means 'He/she can go home'. It is important to note that 'può' is conjugated in the third person singular and is often used with other verbs to form compound tenses.
An elephant can be big.
This is a simple sentence structure where 'può' is used in relation to an object to suggest a possibility or potential. In this case, it is stating that an elephant can be big, where 'può' depicts the possibility.
Who can participate in this event?
Here the word 'può' is used in a question format which is asking about the ability or permission to do something. In this example, it's asking who is able or permitted to participate in the event.
Andrea can play the piano very well.
In this case, 'può' is used to describe a skill or ability somebody has. Here, it's saying Andrea has the ability to play the piano very well.