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English translation of Pugilato


The term 'Pugilato' is used in Italian to refer to the sport of boxing. This term is used in a wide range of contexts, including discussions about sport, health and fitness, and athletic training. Similar to its use in English, 'Pugilato' can also be used metaphorically to describe any situation involving a struggle or fight.

Example sentences using: Pugilato

English translation of Il pugilato è uno sport molto popolare in Italia.

Boxing is a very popular sport in Italy.

This sentence describes the popularity of boxing, which is called 'pugilato' in Italian, in Italy.

Marco è un campione di pugilato.

English translation of Marco è un campione di pugilato.

Marco is a boxing champion.

In this sentence, we are describing a person (Marco) who is a champion in the sport of boxing (pugilato).

L'allenamento di pugilato può essere molto intenso.

English translation of L'allenamento di pugilato può essere molto intenso.

Boxing training can be very intense.

This sentence expresses that the training for the sport of boxing, or 'pugilato,' can be very intense or rigorous. This gives the listener an understanding on the physical demands of the sport.

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