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English translation of promessa


In Italian, the word 'promessa' is used to express a commitment or guarantee to do something. It can be used in the same contexts as the English word 'promise'. For example, 'I promise to help you with your homework' translates to 'Prometto di aiutarti con i compiti'.

Example sentences using: promessa

Ho fatto una promessa che intendo mantenere.

English translation of Ho fatto una promessa che intendo mantenere.

I made a promise that I intend to keep.

This sentence could be used in a context where the speaker has made a commitment to someone or something, and they want to communicate their determination to keep it.

La promessa di un futuro migliore mi dà speranza.

English translation of La promessa di un futuro migliore mi dà speranza.

The promise of a better future gives me hope.

In this instance, the speaker expresses the hope they derive from the prospect or promise of a better future. This phrase could be used in a wide array of contexts, from personal to political.

Non rompere la tua promessa.

English translation of Non rompere la tua promessa.

Do not break your promise.

Used typically in personal contexts, this sentence is a direct plea or request to someone not to go back on a commitment they made.

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