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English translation of postino


The Italian word 'postino' translates to 'postman' in English. It is used to refer to a person who is employed to deliver or collect letters and parcels. It's used in the same way as it is in English, for example in a sentence, you might say 'Il postino ha consegnato la posta' which means 'The postman delivered the mail'.

Example sentences using: postino

Il postino ha consegnato la lettera.

English translation of Il postino ha consegnato la lettera.

The postman delivered the letter.

This sentence displays a common use of the word 'postino' when referring to the person delivering mail or parcels. In this context, 'ha consegnato' is the past tense of 'consegnare', meaning 'to deliver'.

Vedo il postino al di là della strada.

English translation of Vedo il postino al di là della strada.

I see the postman across the street.

This sentence uses 'vedo', the first person singular present tense of 'vedere', meaning 'to see'. 'Postino' here is the object of the verb.

Il postino suona sempre due volte.

English translation of Il postino suona sempre due volte.

The postman always rings twice.

This is a proverbial saying in many languages meaning that opportunities usually recur. In this case, 'postino' is metaphorically used to refer to opportunity and 'suona sempre due volte' literally means 'always rings twice'.

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