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English translation of pompiere


The word 'pompiere' in Italian refers to an individual who is trained in firefighting. It can be used in any context where one would typically say 'firefighter' in English, such as 'il pompiere sta spegnendo l'incendio' which translates to 'the firefighter is putting out the fire'.

Example sentences using: pompiere

Il pompiere ha spento l'incendio rapidamente.

English translation of Il pompiere ha spento l'incendio rapidamente.

The firefighter put out the fire quickly.

In this sentence, 'pompiere' means firefighter, 'ha spento' means 'put out', 'l'incendio' means 'the fire' and 'rapidamente' means 'quickly'. The sentence showcases the use of 'pompiere' in a simple, active sentence demonstrating a typical action performed by a firefighter.

Mio zio è un pompiere di lungo corso.

English translation of Mio zio è un pompiere di lungo corso.

My uncle is a long-serving firefighter.

In this sentence, 'Mio' means 'My', 'zio' means 'uncle', 'è' means 'is', 'un' means 'a', 'pompiere' means 'firefighter', 'di' means 'of' and 'lungo corso' means 'long-serving'. This sentence implies a sense of experience and duration of time in the role of a 'pompiere' or firefighter.

Il camion del pompiere è rosso.

English translation of Il camion del pompiere è rosso.

The firefighter's truck is red.

In this sentence, 'Il' means 'The', 'camion' means 'truck', 'del' is a contraction of 'di' and 'il', together meaning 'of the', 'pompiere' means 'firefighter', 'è' means 'is' and 'rosso' means 'red'. This sentence highlights the universally recognized color of the 'pompiere' or firefighter's truck.

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