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English translation of politica


In Italian, the word 'politica' is used similar to English 'policy'. It often refers to a course or principle of action proposed or implemented by a government, party, business, or individual. Just like in English, 'politica' can also pertain to the activities associated with governance, especially the debate among individuals or parties having or hoping to achieve power.

Example sentences using: politica

La politica è una professione difficile.

English translation of La politica è una professione difficile.

Politics is a difficult profession.

This phrase signifies that the field or act of politics, referred to as 'la politica' in Italian, is considered challenging or complex.

Il mio amico studia politica all'università.

English translation of Il mio amico studia politica all'università.

My friend studies politics at university.

The sentence talks about a person's friend, 'il mio amico' in Italian, who is pursuing an academic study of politics, 'politica' at an institution of higher learning, here called 'università'.

Non sono interessato alla politica.

English translation of Non sono interessato alla politica.

I am not interested in politics.

This Italian phrase expresses someone's lack of interest, represented by 'non sono interessato' in Italian, in the topic of politics, indicated by 'alla politica'.

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