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English translation of pittura


The word 'pittura' is used in Italian to refer to the act of creating an image or design with paint. It can also refer to the finished product of this process, which is a piece of artwork. The word is used in a similar way to the English word 'painting', and can be used to describe both the process and the result of creating a visual image with paint.

Example sentences using: pittura

La pittura è il mio hobby preferito.

English translation of La pittura è il mio hobby preferito.

Painting is my favorite hobby.

This sentence is an example of expressing personal preferences, where 'pittura' is used as a noun meaning painting. It follows the common structure in Italian of expressing likes and dislikes: '[Something] è il mio [hobby] preferito'.

Sto studiando la storia della pittura.

English translation of Sto studiando la storia della pittura.

I am studying the history of painting.

In this sentence, 'pittura' is part of a larger noun phrase, 'la storia della pittura' or 'the history of painting'. This demonstrates how 'pittura' can be used in a broader educational context, describing a field of study.

La pittura ad olio è una tecnica artistica complessa.

English translation of La pittura ad olio è una tecnica artistica complessa.

Oil painting is a complex artistic technique.

This sentence illustrates the use of 'pittura' in a specific context, 'pittura ad olio' or 'oil painting'. It describes the complexity of a certain kind of painting technique, evidencing the use of this word in specific artistic contexts.

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