The Italian word 'piatto' is used to mean 'plate'. It can refer to a dish or plate used for serving food. Similar to the English usage, 'piatto' can also be used metaphorically in various Italian phrases and expressions.
My favorite dish is carbonara pasta.
This sentence is expressing a preference for a particular dish. 'Il mio piatto preferito' translates directly as 'my favorite dish', followed by 'è' which means 'is', and then the dish's name 'la pasta alla carbonara'.
Have you finished your dish?
This sentence can be used in a context where someone is asking if another person has finished eating. 'Hai finito' translates as 'Have you finished', followed by 'il tuo piatto' which means 'your dish'.
This dish is too salty.
In this sentence, someone is expressing an opinion about a dish being too salty. 'Questo piatto' means 'This dish', followed by 'è' which means 'is', and 'troppo salato' translates as 'too salty'.