The Italian word 'pianta' is used to refer to a plant, which is a living organism of the kingdom Plantae. It can be used to refer to a wide variety of plant life, including trees, flowers, and vegetables. The word is also used in phrases such as 'piantare' (to plant) and 'piantina' (a small plant or seedling).
The plant provides oxygen.
This sentence is talking about the biological function of plants, as they use carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight in the process of photosynthesis to produce oxygen.
I forgot to water the plant.
In this example, 'pianta' refers to a plant that requires care, such as watering. This sentence could be spoken by someone who is taking care of houseplants or garden plants.
I need the blueprint of the building.
In this sentence, 'pianta' is being used to refer to a blueprint or plan of a building. This is a common usage in architecture and construction.