The Italian word 'piano' translates to 'plan' in English. It's used commonly in various contexts, similar to English. For example, you could use it while discussing a project or business strategy ('fare un piano'), or while making personal plans ('ho un piano'). Remember, 'piano' in Italian also means 'floor' and 'slow', depending on the context it's used.
I play the piano every day.
In this sentence, 'piano' is a musical instrument, the piano. 'Suono il piano' means 'I play the piano'. Adding 'ogni giorno' specifies the frequency, meaning 'every day'.
My weekend plan is relaxing.
'Piano' can also mean 'plan' in Italian. Here, it is used to refer to the speaker's plan for the weekend. 'Rilassante' means 'relaxing', describing the nature of the speaker's plan.
Speak more quietly, please.
Another meaning of 'piano' is 'quietly'. In this instance, the speaker is politely asking someone to lower their voice. 'Parla più piano' translates directly to 'speak more quietly'.