The Italian word 'pezzo' is used to refer to a piece or a part of something. It can be used in a variety of contexts, such as in reference to a piece of a puzzle, a piece of music, or a piece of a machine. In some cases, it can also be used to refer to a segment or a portion of a larger whole, such as a piece of a story or a piece of a conversation.
I would like a piece of cake.
This sentence is used when someone is asking for a piece of cake. The term 'pezzo' here is used to indicate 'piece', generally used when asking for a piece of something.
I'm missing a piece of the puzzle.
This is a commonly used phrase when solving puzzles, but can also be metaphorically used when someone feels like they're missing information in a situation.
This is a nice piece of land.
This sentence is commonly used when someone appreciates the quality or the view of a certain piece of land.