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English translation of particolarmente


The word 'particolarmente' in Italian is used to express the idea of 'particularly' in English. It is an adverb that is used to emphasize a certain aspect or detail of a situation, action, or characteristic. For example, 'Questa ricetta è particolarmente difficile' means 'This recipe is particularly difficult'.

Example sentences using: particolarmente

Trovo questa lezione particolarmente interessante.

English translation of Trovo questa lezione particolarmente interessante.

I find this lesson particularly interesting.

In this sentence, 'particolarmente' intensifies the adjective 'interesting', expressing a high degree of interest in the lesson.

Il film era particolarmente lungo.

English translation of Il film era particolarmente lungo.

The film was particularly long.

Here, 'particolarmente' modifies 'long', underlining that the film duration stood out.

Ho trovato il libro particolarmente utile.

English translation of Ho trovato il libro particolarmente utile.

I found the book particularly useful.

In this example, 'particolarmente' enhances 'useful', indicating that the book was more than just generally useful.

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