Italian Italian

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Italian.

Fino ad allora
Until then

The Italian phrase 'Fino ad allora' is directly translated to 'Until then' in English. This phrase is used as a timing reference and can be used in various contexts. It expresses the meaning of something happening up to a certain time or point that has been previously mentioned.

Example sentences with  Fino ad allora
Fino alla prossima volta
Until next time

The phrase 'Fino alla prossima volta' in Italian is used to express a goodbye or a see you later. It's commonly used at the end of a conversation and suggests that you hope to see the person again in the future. Little tip: The preposition 'fino' (until) always requires 'a' afterwards when used in this context.

Example sentences with  Fino alla prossima volta

The Italian word 'Ginnastica' refers to the sport of gymnastics. It's used in the same way as the English word, referring to both the general sport and specific techniques. It's commonly found in discussions about sports, health, and physical education.

Example sentences with  Ginnastica

In Italian, the word for 'Golf' remains the same as in English. It is used in the same context as in English, to refer to the sport consisting of hitting balls into a series of holes on a course using the least number of strokes.

Example sentences with  Golf
Gruppo di amici
group of friends

The Italian phrase 'Gruppo di amici' translates directly to 'Group of friends' in English. It is used in the same way to refer to a group of people who are friends. This can apply to any context, whether it's a group of friends meeting for coffee, playing a sport, or just hanging out.

Example sentences with  Gruppo di amici
I bambini
The children

The phrase 'I bambini' is used in Italian to refer to more than one child. The word 'I' is the plural definite article (the equivalent of 'the' in English), and 'bambini' is the plural form of 'bambino', which means child. This phrase can be used in a wide variety of contexts just as it would be in English.

Example sentences with  I bambini
Il cugino
The cousin

The Italian word for cousin, 'il cugino' for male and 'la cugina' for female, is used similarly to how 'cousin' is used in English. It can be used to refer to both your paternal and maternal cousins. Depending on context, 'il cugino' can also be used to refer to a close friend or relative who isn't necessarily a cousin.

Example sentences with  Il cugino
Il fratello
The brother

In Italian, 'Il fratello' translates directly to 'The brother' in English. It is used to refer to a male sibling. Just like in English, it can be used to relate familial relationships, or metaphorically to describe close bonds. Note that, in Italian, every noun is assigned a gender and number, and the article 'il' is used for singular masculine nouns.

Example sentences with  Il fratello
Il nonno
The grandfather

In Italian, the word for 'the grandfather' is 'il nonno'. Unlike English, Italian uses a definite article ('il') in front of nouns even when referring to family members. The word 'nonno' is used in all contexts to refer to a grandfather. You would use it in formal and informal situations, and when talking to the person directly, or about them.

Example sentences with  Il nonno

Use this term to describe the concept of friends being together, sharing time or doing activities together.

Example sentences with  Insieme

The Italian word 'Intero' can be used in the same context as 'Whole' in English. It is an adjective that means 'entire' or 'whole', and it can be used to describe complete entities, whether they are concrete (like a whole cake, una torta intera) or abstract (like the whole truth, la verità intera).

Example sentences with  Intero
La famiglia
The family

The Italian phrase 'La famiglia' directly translates to 'The family' in English. It is a noun phrase used in any context where one might refer to their family, much as you would in English. Examples of its use can be as simple as: 'La mia famiglia e grande', meaning 'My family is big'.

Example sentences with  La famiglia
La nonna
The grandmother

The Italian word 'La nonna' is used to refer to the mother of someone's parent, similar to how the English word 'The grandmother' is used. It is used in both formal and informal contexts, and is a common term in Italian family discussions.

Example sentences with  La nonna
La sorella
The sister

In Italian, 'La sorella' is used to refer to a female sibling. It is often used in familial contexts. Just like in English, it can be used in both singular and plural forms. For more than one sister, you would say 'Le sorelle'.

Example sentences with  La sorella
Le zie e gli zii
The aunts and uncles

In Italian, 'zie' is the plural of 'zio' which means aunt and 'zii' is the plural of 'zio' which means uncle. When referring to multiple aunts and uncles together in Italian, you say 'Le zie e gli zii'.

Example sentences with  Le zie e gli zii

The word 'limited' in Italian is translated as 'limitato'. It is used to describe something that is restricted or confined within certain boundaries. For example, a limited edition book would be a 'edizione limitata' in Italian.

Example sentences with  Limited

In Italian, the word for 'Mango' remains the same - 'Mango'. It is a noun and can be used in similar contexts to the English word 'Mango', preferably in discussions about food, fruits, recipes, etc.

Example sentences with  Mango

Meteorologia is the study of the Earth's atmosphere and its weather. In Italian, the word is used in the same contexts as in English: scientific studies, weather forecasts, or general discussions about weather phenomena.

Example sentences with  Meteorologia

In Italian, the word for Christmas is 'Natale'. It is a widely celebrated holiday, typically involving a large family meal on Christmas Eve and gift-giving on Christmas Day. The word is derived from the Latin 'natalis', meaning 'birthday'.


The Italian word 'Oceanografia' is used in the same context as 'Oceanography' in English. It refers to the study of the physical and biological aspects of the ocean. It can be used in academic and scientific contexts.

Example sentences with  Oceanografia
Piacere di conoscerti
Nice to meet you

The phrase 'Piacere di conoscerti' is used in social gatherings or when meeting someone for the first time. It is a polite way to express your pleasure upon meeting someone. It can be used in both formal and casual settings.

Example sentences with  Piacere di conoscerti

The Italian word 'Prugna' is used to refer to the fruit known as Plum in English. Just like in English, it can be used in various contexts such as cooking instructions, grocery shopping, or fruit descriptions.

Example sentences with  Prugna

The term 'Pugilato' is used in Italian to refer to the sport of boxing. This term is used in a wide range of contexts, including discussions about sport, health and fitness, and athletic training. Similar to its use in English, 'Pugilato' can also be used metaphorically to describe any situation involving a struggle or fight.

Example sentences with  Pugilato

Use this term to refer to a young female person. It can also be used to refer to a girlfriend.

Example sentences with  Ragazza

Use this term to refer to a young male person. It can also be used to refer to a boyfriend.

Example sentences with  Ragazzo

In Italian, the word for 'Rugby' is also 'Rugby'. This is because 'Rugby' is a globally recognized sport and does not have a direct translation in many languages, including Italian. It is used in the same context as in English.

Example sentences with  Rugby

The word 'Tennis' is the same in both English and Italian and it refers to a sport where two or four people hit a ball back and forth over a net. In Italian, it is used exactly as it is in English, but with an Italian pronunciation.

Example sentences with  Tennis

In Italian, 'Zio' refers to the brother of one's parent (Uncle) and 'Zia' is the term for the sister of one's parent (Aunt). These terms can be used both to address them directly or to refer to them in third person, they are also often shortened to 'Zio' and 'Zia' when used in familiar contexts.

Example sentences with  Zio/Zia

In Italian, the word 'a' is a preposition that is used to indicate direction or destination. It is similar to the English word 'to' and is often used before a noun or a location. For example, 'Vado a casa' means 'I am going to the house'. It is important to note that the word 'a' is used before a singular noun, while the word 'ai' is used before a plural noun.

Example sentences with  a
a volte

The Italian phrase 'a volte' is used identically to 'sometimes' in English. It is used to indicate that an event or situation occurs occasionally, but not always.

Example sentences with  a volte
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