The Italian word for 'today' is 'oggi'. It is used in the same context as in English, to refer to the current day. It can be used at the beginning, middle, or end of the sentence. For example, 'Oggi fa bel tempo' means 'Today the weather is nice'.
Today it is very hot
This sentence is used to express the hotness of the weather today. 'Fa' is used in Italian to express 'it is' for weather and 'molto caldo' means 'very hot'.
Today we are going to the cinema
This sentence tells about a plan to go to the cinema today. 'Andiamo' is a first person plural present indicative of the verb 'andare' (go) and 'al cinema' means 'to the cinema'.
Today is my birthday
This sentence is used to express that today is the speaker's birthday. 'È' is the third person singular of the verb 'essere' (be) and 'il mio compleanno' means 'my birthday'.