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English translation of obiettivo


The Italian word 'obiettivo' is used to express the concept of a 'goal' in English. It can refer to a specific target or aim that one sets for themselves, whether it be in sports, academics, or personal life. For example, 'il mio obiettivo è diventare un medico' means 'my goal is to become a doctor.' It can also be used to describe the physical goal or target in sports, such as 'il portiere ha parato il tiro in porta, salvando l'obiettivo' meaning 'the goalkeeper saved the goal by stopping the shot.' In general, 'obiettivo' is a versatile word that can be used in a variety of contexts to express the idea of a 'goal' or 'target' in Italian.

Example sentences using: obiettivo

L'obiettivo del gioco è segnare più punti possible.

English translation of L'obiettivo del gioco è segnare più punti possible.

The goal of the game is to score as many points as possible.

Here, 'obiettivo' is used in the context of a game or competition, where it represents a concrete goal or target to be reached to win.

Per raggiungere l'obiettivo, dovrai lavorare duramente.

English translation of Per raggiungere l'obiettivo, dovrai lavorare duramente.

To reach the goal, you will have to work hard.

In this case, 'obiettivo' refers to something one desires to achieve, emphasizing that hard work or effort is required to succeed.

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