The Italian word 'obeso' is the adjective used to describe a person or animal that is excessively overweight. It is used in the same way as the English word 'obese', which is derived from the Latin word 'obesus'. In Italian, the word is used to describe a condition of being extremely overweight, often to the point of being unhealthy. It is commonly used in medical contexts, as well as in everyday conversation.
Mario is obese because he eats too much.
This sentence is directly stating that Mario is obese as a result of his high food intake, whereby 'obeso' is being used to describe Mario's physical health condition. 'Mangia troppo' translates into 'eats too much', indicating the cause.
The obese cat cannot fit into the box.
This sentence describes a scenario where a cat, labeled as 'obese', is unable to get into a box due to its size. 'Obeso' is used to describe physical size and obesity can, in this context, be considered hindrance to the cat's desired actions.
The doctor said that he is obese and needs to exercise more.
The phrase aim to communicate the idea where a doctor is advising his patient to exercise more because of his obese condition. Here, 'obeso' is being used as a medical term assigned by professionals to denote overweight health conditions.