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English translation of nonostante


The Italian word 'nonostante' is a preposition that is used to express a contrast or an opposition, similar to 'despite' in English. It is typically followed by a noun or a pronoun, and it can also be used in conjunction with the conjunction 'che' (that) to introduce a subordinate clause. For example, 'Nonostante la pioggia, siamo andati al parco' (Despite the rain, we went to the park).

Example sentences using: nonostante

Nonostante la pioggia, abbiamo deciso di uscire.

English translation of Nonostante la pioggia, abbiamo deciso di uscire.

Despite the rain, we decided to go out.

This sentence is using 'nonostante' to express that an action is happening regardless of certain circumstances. In this case, 'we decided to go out' is happening regardless of 'the rain'.

Nonostante il suo infortunio, ha continuato a giocare.

English translation of Nonostante il suo infortunio, ha continuato a giocare.

Despite his injury, he continued to play.

Here the word 'nonostante' is used to display contrast between the injury and the action of continuing to play. It highlights that the action (he continued to play) took place regardless of a potentially limiting factor (his injury).

Nonostante fosse affaticato, ha finito il lavoro.

English translation of Nonostante fosse affaticato, ha finito il lavoro.

Though he was tired, he finished the work.

This sentence uses 'nonostante' to express a contrast between a state (being tired) and an action (he finished the work). It is indicating that the action occurred regardless of the state.

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