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English translation of nessuno


The word 'nessuno' in Italian is used to express the concept of 'nobody' in English. It is an indefinite pronoun used to indicate the absence of people or individuals. For example, 'Non c'è nessuno in casa' translates to 'There is nobody at home' in English.

Example sentences using: nessuno

Nessuno può negare che sia un brav'uomo

English translation of Nessuno può negare che sia un brav'uomo

No one can deny that he is a good man

In this sentence, 'Nessuno' is used as an indefinite pronoun to mean 'no one'. It is used to assert that not even a single person can deny the fact that the man in question is good.

Nessuno sa dov'è la chiave

English translation of Nessuno sa dov'è la chiave

No one knows where the key is

Here, 'Nessuno' is used to express the idea that not a single person knows the location of the key. This usage is common when speaking about a lack of specific knowledge among a group of people.

Non ho invitato nessuno alla festa

English translation of Non ho invitato nessuno alla festa

I didn't invite anyone to the party

In this example, 'Nessuno' conveys a negative meaning in the context of not inviting any person to the party. When used in this way, 'Nessuno' negates the existence of an object or a person in a specific scenario.

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