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English translation of nazione


The word 'nazione' is commonly used in Italian to refer to a large body of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular state or territory, which is the same concept described in English by the term 'nation'. It can be used in various contexts, similar to its English counterpart, such as in discussing international relations, patriotism, or cultural identity.

Example sentences using: nazione

L'Italia è una bellissima nazione.

English translation of L'Italia è una bellissima nazione.

Italy is a beautiful nation.

In this sentence, 'nazione' is used in its most common context, providing a description about a country. Here, it refers to Italy being a pleasant nation.

Ogni nazione ha le sue culture e tradizioni uniche.

English translation of Ogni nazione ha le sue culture e tradizioni uniche.

Every nation has its own unique cultures and traditions.

Here, 'nazione' is used to denote the concept of sovereignty that comes with unique cultures and traditions. It portrays the diversity that every nation possesses.

La nazione è in lutto per la sua perdita.

English translation of La nazione è in lutto per la sua perdita.

The nation is mourning its loss.

This sentence uses 'nazione' to personify a country as feeling sorrow over a loss. It shows the collective sentiment of the people in a difficult time.

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