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English translation of natura


In Italian, the word 'natura' is used to describe the natural world, including plants, animals, and landscapes. It can also refer to the inherent character or essence of a person or thing. The word is used in many common phrases and expressions, such as 'fare una passeggiata nella natura' (to take a walk in nature) or 'avere un animo gentile di natura' (to have a naturally kind heart).

Example sentences using: natura

La natura è la madre di tutti.

English translation of La natura è la madre di tutti.

Nature is the mother of all.

This statement is a figurative way to explain that everything in existence originates from nature, often used to emphasize our dependence and connection to the natural world.

Dobbiamo proteggere la natura per le future generazioni.

English translation of Dobbiamo proteggere la natura per le future generazioni.

We must protect nature for future generations.

This sentence highlights the importance of environmental conservation, referring to the duty we have to maintain natural resources so that future generations can also benefit from them.

La natura è piena di colori vivaci.

English translation of La natura è piena di colori vivaci.

Nature is full of vibrant colors.

This description is used to express the rich variety and liveliness of colors found in the natural world, often used to appreciate the beauty and diversity of nature.

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