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English translation of morto


The word 'morto' is used in Italian to describe something or someone that is no longer alive or functioning. It can be used as an adjective or a noun, and it is often used to describe the state of being deceased. For example, 'Il cane è morto' means 'The dog is dead'.

Example sentences using: morto

Il gatto è morto

English translation of Il gatto è morto

The cat is dead

In this case, 'morto' is used as an adjective to describe the state of the cat. The verb 'è' (is) precedes it to form the present perfect tense.

Mi dispiace, mio nonno è morto la settimana scorsa

English translation of Mi dispiace, mio nonno è morto la settimana scorsa

I'm sorry, my grandfather died last week

Here, 'morto' refers to the past event of the grandfather's demise. It's explaining a past event using the present perfect tense in combination with a time expression 'la settimana scorsa' (last week).

Dopo l'accidente, lui è rimasto morto sul campo

English translation of Dopo l'accidente, lui è rimasto morto sul campo

After the accident, he remained dead on the field

In this phrase, 'morto' is used as an adjective, to describe the state of a person (lui) after certain circumstances ('l'accidente'). 'Rimasto' is a past participle of the verb 'rimanere' (to remain), and it's used in combination with 'è' (is) to form the present perfect tense.

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