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English translation of momento


The Italian word 'momento' is directly equivalent to the English word 'moment'. It is used in much the same way, to refer to a brief period of time, an instant, or a specific point in time. Examples include: 'Un momento, per favore' ('One moment, please') or 'In questo momento' ('At this moment').

Example sentences using: momento

Aspetta un momento, per favore.

English translation of Aspetta un momento, per favore.

Wait a moment, please.

This phrase is commonly used in Italian, when you want someone to wait for a short period of time. 'Aspetta' translates to 'wait', 'un' translates to 'a', and 'per favore' translates to 'please'. Altogether, it means 'Wait a moment, please.'

In questo momento, sto studiando l'italiano.

English translation of In questo momento, sto studiando l'italiano.

At this moment, I am studying Italian.

This phrase is typically used to express what you're doing at the current time. 'In questo momento' means 'at this moment', 'sto' translates to 'I am', 'studiando' is the present participle of 'studiare' ('to study'), and 'l'italiano' means 'Italian'. The phrase as a whole translates to 'At this moment, I am studying Italian.'

Ricordo quel momento con affetto.

English translation of Ricordo quel momento con affetto.

I remember that moment fondly.

This is a phrase you would use to express a fond memory. 'Ricordo' means 'I remember', 'quel' translates to 'that', 'momento' is 'moment', 'con' translates to 'with' and 'affetto' is 'affection' or 'fondness'. So, the phrase 'Ricordo quel momento con affetto' means 'I remember that moment fondly.'

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