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English translation of modello


The Italian word 'modello' is used to denote a representation, either physical or conceptual, of something. 'Modello' can be used in a variety of contexts, for example fashion (model), industrial design (model of a car), or mathematics (a model of a particular theory). It may refer to something used as an example to follow or imitate, a particular design or version of a product, or a simplified description of a system to assist in calculations and predictions.

Example sentences using: modello

Lui usa un modello per costruire l'aereo.

English translation of Lui usa un modello per costruire l'aereo.

He uses a model to build the plane.

In this sentence, 'modello' is used to signify a small replica that can be used as a reference for creating a larger structure such as a plane.

English translation of Il modello di questa macchina è molto popolare.

The model of this car is very popular.

Here 'modello' is used to denote a particular design or version of a product, in this case, a car. The model can be distinguished based on various factors like style, color, features, etc.

Dove posso trovare il modello del tuo vestito?

English translation of Dove posso trovare il modello del tuo vestito?

Where can I find the model of your dress?

In this context, 'modello' refers to a specific style, design, or version of a dress. This could refer to the particular design or type of dress it is, like a wrap dress, sheath dress, etc.

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