The Italian word 'miglio' is used to express the English term 'mile'. It is a unit of length equal to about 1.609 kilometers or 5,280 feet. It is commonly used in measurements for long distances, such as in measuring the length of a road or a race. In Italian, it is also used to express the distance between two points or locations.
Millet is a very nutritious grain.
This sentence spotlight 'miglio' in its most common usage, referring to the type of grain known as millet. This is a simple declarative statement in Italian.
The Green Mile is a very moving film.
In this sentence, 'miglio' is used as part of the title of a well-known movie, 'Il miglio verde' or 'The Green Mile'. This showcases how 'miglio' can also be used beyond its literal meaning of 'millet'.
A mile is longer than a kilometer.
Here, 'miglio' is used to signify 'mile' in English, showing the term's usage in distance measurement. In this sentence, a comparative structure is used to compare a mile and a kilometer.