← Italian Vocab Builder


English translation of memorizzare

to memorize

The Italian verb 'memorizzare' corresponds to the English 'to memorize'. It is used when you need to commit something to memory or learn something by heart. Just like in English, you can use this verb when talking about studying for a test, learning lines for a play, and so on. Remember to conjugate the verb according to the subject and the tense.

Example sentences using: memorizzare

Voglio memorizzare queste formule per l'esame di domani.

English translation of Voglio memorizzare queste formule per l'esame di domani.

I want to remember these formulas for tomorrow's exam.

In this phrase, the speaker expresses a desire to commit to memory some formulas in preparation for an examination the following day.

È essenziale memorizzare le regole della grammatica italiana.

English translation of È essenziale memorizzare le regole della grammatica italiana.

It is essential to memorize the rules of Italian grammar.

This sentence emphasizes the importance of learning by heart the rules of Italian grammar, suggesting it's fundamental for mastering the language.

Devi memorizzare questo numero di telefono.

English translation of Devi memorizzare questo numero di telefono.

You have to memorize this phone number.

Here, the speaker gives a directive to someone to remember a particular phone number, implying it may be important or commonly used.

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