The word 'medico' in Italian is an adjective that means 'medical'. It is used to describe things related to the field of medicine, such as medical equipment, medical procedures, and medical professionals. For example, you might say 'strumenti medici' to refer to medical instruments, or 'personale medico' to refer to medical staff. It can also be used as a noun to refer to a doctor, as in 'il medico'.
My doctor says that I should do more exercise.
This example sentence tells about a person's doctor's advice encouraging him to be more physically active or exercise more for health reasons.
The doctor will see you now.
This sentence is typically used in a medical context where a nurse or medical receptionist is informing a patient that the doctor is available and ready to meet them.
I went to the doctor yesterday.
In this example, the speaker is telling someone else that they went to see their doctor the day before. It gives information about the speaker's recent activities.