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English translation of materiale


In Italian, the word 'materiale' is used to refer to physical substances or things. It can be used in a variety of contexts, such as in construction, where it might refer to building materials, or in education, where it might refer to learning materials. It can also be used to describe the substance or composition of something, as in 'materiale plastico' for 'plastic material'.

Example sentences using: materiale

Il materiale di cui è fatto questo edificio è solido.

English translation of Il materiale di cui è fatto questo edificio è solido.

The material this building is made of is solid.

This sentence is an example of how 'materiale,' or material, can be used to describe the composition of something, in this case, a building.

Il materiale in questa scatola è fragile, quindi maneggiarlo con cura.

English translation of Il materiale in questa scatola è fragile, quindi maneggiarlo con cura.

The material in this box is fragile, so handle it with care.

In this sentence, 'materiale' is used to describe what is in the box. It's something delicate that needs to be handled carefully.

Sto cercando materiale per il mio progetto di storia.

English translation of Sto cercando materiale per il mio progetto di storia.

I am looking for material for my history project.

Here, 'materiale' refers to the resources or information needed for a task or project, in this case, a history project.

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