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English translation of luna


The word 'luna' is used in Italian to refer to the natural satellite of the earth, just as 'moon' is used in English. It is also used metaphorically in various contexts, such as 'la luna in uno stagno' which is an idiomatic expression that means something beautiful in an ugly place.

Example sentences using: luna

La luna è molto luminosa stanotte.

English translation of La luna è molto luminosa stanotte.

The moon is very bright tonight.

This is a simple sentence often used to describe the appearance of the moon at night. In Italian, 'La luna' refers to 'The moon', 'è' means 'is', 'molto' means 'very', 'luminosa' means 'bright', and 'stanotte' means 'tonight'.

Il mio amore per te è grande come la luna.

English translation of Il mio amore per te è grande come la luna.

My love for you is as big as the moon.

This is a romantic sentence expressing deep affection towards someone. 'Il mio amore per te' translates to 'My love for you', 'è grande' means 'is big', 'come' means 'as', and 'la luna' refers to 'the moon'.

Nella luna vedo il tuo volto.

English translation of Nella luna vedo il tuo volto.

In the moon, I see your face.

This is a poetic sentence which implies that the speaker finds the image of someone he cherished on the moon. 'Nella' means 'in the', 'luna' means 'moon', 'vedo' means 'I see', 'il tuo' means 'your', and 'volto' means 'face'.

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