The Italian word 'livello' stands for 'level' in English. It can be used in different contexts, such as to indicate a stage in a process, game or the degree of intensity, just like the English word. For example, 'Il mio livello di italiano è intermedio ' translates to 'My level of Italian is intermediate'.
My level of Italian is intermediate.
This phrase is used to denote someone's proficiency in Italian. In this case, the speaker deems their own Italian skills to be at an intermediate level.
The sea level is rising.
This phrase is describing the environmental phenomenon of sea level rise, perhaps due to melting glaciers and global warming.
This is a high-level game.
In this example, 'livello' is used metaphorically to denote the quality or standard of the game. A 'high-level game' is one that is perceived to be of high quality or difficult to master.